Huang Longshi: Legend of Blood and Tears

Language EN
Subtitles EnRuEs

The story of a mysterious Go genius from ancient China


If you’ve never heard of Huang Longshi, then… it’s not surprising at all. He lived in 17th century China and it was the Japanese players who ruled in the world of Go at the time. However his contemporaries described him as a heavenly spirit turned human, and Go Seigen, the greatest player of the 20th century, believed that Huang Longshi would be at least 13 dan if he were alive today! Is that merely an overstatement? Maybe the games of this ancient master reviewed under the magnifying lens of modern computer programs will help shed some light on this mystery…

In the free lesson “Treasure Chest” you will find all the games of Huang Longshi in SGF format, as well as the legendary collection of endgame problems “Yi Kuo” that has not been published anywhere before.

Suitable for: 8k–9d. This is a historical course, so it may be interesting to all players regardless of their strength.


Vadim Efimenko 4d

Amateur Go player and nerdy Go research aficionado. Co-founder of Go Magic.
Not enough magic? Vadim offers Go lessons

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Course Includes

10 Lessons
4 Quizzes
~ 3 hours


Avg. Rating
21 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 3 weeks ago

Thanks for this, he is my favourite ancient player apart from Dosaku. I wish someone trains katago to play like Longshi and Dosaku and make them face off. On a different note, I'd be really happy if you make a fun course on Legend88. He was not a pro, neither historical, but I've always thought he was Mr. Chang-ho in disguise. And I'll love to see Vadim exploring his games.

Posted 7 months ago

Great course! Fascinating and challenging!

Posted 8 months ago

Did the game records specify the actual results? are we relying on ai or judgement of pro players.? I enjoyed the story but would be interested in clarity. None the less, this has been fascinating!

Posted 1 year ago

These games are WILD, MAN! The course also comes with a good heap of extra material including a huge SGF trove of Longshi's Endgame Go Problems... some of which you will see in GoMagic's Skill Tree. Vadim, my guy, you have such a concise & clear game commentary, fingers crossed for many more years of Magic. SideNote:Xingyou's fluctuations of reading brilliance during game is interesting in itself

Posted 2 years ago

Wowee! This was a very challenging program. But it was a lot of fun to learn. Much of this material is way over my head at the moment, so I will have to return to this in a year or so.

Posted 3 years ago

Similarly to the Jowa course, it's very fascinating to dive into the ancient history of Go and the course had that in spades, with weird openings, old rules and unusual fights that we might not see that often anymore today. It's clearly a topic that Vadim and the GOMagic crew has a lot of passion for. Less educational to improve your strength in Go but highly inspirational and entertaining. 🙂

Posted 3 years ago

would be nice if course are more in depth. nevertheless, enjoyed the review of huang longshi's game!

Posted 3 years ago

Love these historical courses! Please do more

Posted 3 years ago

Much better than I expected. And it even includes PDFs and SGFs from games and tsumegos at the end.

Posted 3 years ago

Great historical course, an impressive great player without AI inspiration !!! And fun reading exercices of Endgame problems. Thanks

Posted 3 years ago

An improvement on the format devised for the Jowa course, with more integrated puzzles as opposed to fairly tangential quizzes. While still largely emphasising the history which is very enjoyable to learn.

Posted 3 years ago

It was fascinating to learn about Huang Longshi and his style of using thickness and attacking. I look forward to trying to be more adventurous in my own games and looking for opportunities to use the lessons contained in this course. History is ripe in these games, but the feeling of the games are also educational. Huang Longshi had an indominable approach to Go and Vadim gives us access to it.

Posted 2 months ago

Курс интересный. Понравился стиль Хуана Лунши и его задачи.

Видео-уроки захватывающе! Задачи для 6 кю огс сложны, 50%

Posted 1 year ago

Отличный исторический курс который даёт поближе познакомиться с исторической легендарной фигурой. Задачки дают мозгу поработать. Рекомендую.

Posted 1 year ago

Отличный исторический курс который даёт поближе познакомиться с исторической легендарной фигурой. Задачки дают мозгу поработать. Рекомендую.

Posted 1 year ago

Курсы про игроков прошлого мои любимые!

Posted 2 years ago

Спасибо за курс!

Posted 2 years ago

Спасибо, интересный курс. Задачи для меня, невысокого кю уровня, оказались сложными, но было интересно последить за ходом мысли и стилем игры великих игроков.

Posted 3 years ago

Замечательный курс, увидел го с новой для себя стороны. Думаю подобные обзоры исторических/интересных партий это одно из перспективных направлений. Единственное, что можно было бы добавить больше квизов после уроков.

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