Moving to the Middle Game

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Subtitles EnRu
How to navigate from the opening to the middle game? Let's learn!

Every move counts in a game of Go, but some moves more then others. And there is a frame of moves that often go unnoticed. This frame stretches for only ten moves or so, but they can shift the entire flow of a game — alter the very turn of the heavens, as it were.

These moves consist of the edge between the civilized opening and the wild wild west that is the middle game of Go. Almost immaterial to the untrained eye, command over this short sequence of stones can give you the power to wrangle an unruly game back under control or give you a large lead as you gallop ahead into the next frontier!

In this course we will give you the tools to identify when this gap begins and ends and increase your awareness of the board position to boldly use this new know-how to transfer from opening tactics to middle scouting and fighting. Together, lets take our first step past the opening edge and venture into the middle game!

Suitable for: 14–5 kyu


Matthew McKee 4d

Amateur Go Player from Japan.

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Course Includes

10 Lessons
9 Quizzes
~ 3 hours


Avg. Rating
12 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 4 days ago

Lots of great guidelines presented here in order to know what to do when a situation presents itself. This course definitely reduced my questions in the morphing of the opening to the middle game. Thanks Matthew!

Posted 2 weeks ago

There's not many guides for mid game, so I'm very thankful to Matthew and GoMagic for this course. It cleared up my doubts for a looooot of confusing moments I face in mid game, even as an almost dan player.

Posted 2 months ago

Great course! No one else really covers the early middle game, which in my opinion is the most open and confusing part of the game. This is the first time I've heard anyone talk about how to think about the start of the middle game or that it even exists. Nice work Matthew! More middle game courses please!

Posted 2 months ago

Good course overall with a big variety and depth of topics, as well as examples. The course provides a structured approach to dealing with entering the middle game. A PDF summary would be very useful as a resource!

Posted 3 months ago

For me this course paved the road to build some new intuitions and new ways to think about the way I approach the game. Great job on that. However I felt a bit overwhelmed in "Expand on Your Joseki" with all this focus on what AI changed before even understanding the point of this section, which became clearer in the end. I felt this lesson was back to worth, but maybe that's just me.

Posted 3 months ago

This course tries to tackle some topics that you often don't read/hear about, which is much appreciated.

Posted 3 months ago


Posted 3 months ago

Very good so far.

Posted 6 months ago

Great start to a great course! I really like the Wild Wild West analogy! I think the examples are well chosen. The complex concept of the middle game is made easy to understand. I can't wait to see the rest of the course!

Posted 1 month ago

Отличный курс, который справляется с своей задачей: объяснить, как перейти от фусэки к тюбану. Из минусов можно выделить плеоназм: много раз повторяется одно и то же. Но в целом, Мэттью, как всегда на высоте!

Posted 1 month ago

Хороший курс, даёт полезные знания по тюбану.

Спасибо, отличный курс!

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