Score Estimation: Quick and Meaningful

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How to set up your inner score estimation tool


Score estimation and quick counting seems like a magical ability given to strong players. And yet at closer inspection it is nothing else but a skill that can be trained and perfected. And what a skill it is! Once it’s available to you, real-game applications are endless! Knowing the score informs you how many points you need to make in a given area, what strategy to choose and makes you a more flexible and versatile player. But first things first. In this mini-course you will learn some techniques, tricks and shortcuts to efficient score estimation.

Suitable for: 9k–2d. It’s never too late to learn this skill.


Stanisław Frejlak 1p

Professional Go Player from Poland.

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Course Includes

4 Lessons
5 Quizzes
~ 50 min


Avg. Rating
49 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 2 days ago

This is one of the courses here that made my life easier. And now I get to enjoy my games more. Winning was never my first priority, it was always to enjoy and improve, and this helped me in ways I really can't explain.

Posted 1 week ago

Most reviews focus on the fact that this topic is difficult. Indeed it is. Reading and counting always take conscious effort which is effortful, draining and takes (more) time. I did feel a bit overwhelmed by some questions, e.g. ones that need to estimate moyos which is not fully covered. The course is great, but I was hoping for some heuristics to have more intuitive accounting of territory.

Posted 2 months ago

Difficult topic but covered with great elegance and advice. Perhaps additional exercises could be added for lower grades, that are easier to solve, to not deter weaker players. While they are OK for all grades, easier exercises could help ease folk into the topic.

Posted 2 months ago

is a difficult the concept it shows...Counting is hard and boring but very needful

Posted 3 months ago

Still hate having to count points, but now I know why it's really necessary, how to make it easier to count and make the right decision afterwards.

Posted 6 months ago

Great concepts, abit challenging but has definately sharpened my estimation ability and situational awareness. Thanks for another great course

Posted 7 months ago

Great course! A little above my level. I will take it again later when I'm a stronger player.

Posted 7 months ago

As someone who is usually way off in estimating points I got two big wins from this course: ways to improve and a ray of hope that I can improve. It moved my needle from Utterly Pathetic to merely Mediocre--that's progress!

Posted 8 months ago

A useful course! I thought that I was good at estimation. Witch I can confirm, I am. But, I learn that I don't really take the good decision based on this estimation. Now, I know what to work on. Thank you Stanislaw!

Posted 9 months ago

A bit confusing in presentation but still interesting

Posted 10 months ago

The course on ko (also by Stanislaw) was easy to follow and referred to this one, creating the idea that this course was meant as an unofficial precursor to that one. During most quizzes I felt entirely out of my depth based on the provided videos, as a result, this is the first course to frustrate me and it made regret having bought the course.

Posted 10 months ago

There are definitely things in this course I hadn't thought about before. Accurate estimations at key stages of the game means you can constantly adjust your strategy to the changing board position and stay ahead of your opponent. I haven't started the Ko course yet, but I feel that it should be combined with this course, as the two topics seem to go well together.

Posted 12 months ago

It's very clear and helpful!

Posted 12 months ago

Short but very useful and high quality Course! thanks! please more from Stanislaw 🙂

Posted 1 year ago

Very useful course. It would deserve a five star if it has more problems

Posted 1 year ago


Posted 1 year ago

A good and comprehensive course. Staś made a clear and simple explanation for each level players, emphasizing the value a proper territory count can give you to secure your winning game, or to show when is a good time to invade.

Posted 1 year ago

This was very helpful for me,thank you.

Posted 1 year ago

This is a great course which offers important insights on how and why to count. I actually felt that the part about making decisions after counting could be expanded to more lessons and that's content that I would very much like to see.

Posted 1 year ago

This course made me respect and value score estimation much more than before. I confess I still struggle to do it, but I am better at it than before. Fundamentally now I see myself actually trying to estimate the score during the game, while in the past I would just do at most a visual comparison. However, I am still not able to do a precise estimation, and sometimes my estimations are wrong.

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