The Art of Attachments

Language RUEN
Subtitles EnRuEs

Everything about attachments in modern Go


Are you scared of playing attachments? What if it is played against you? What to expect from contact play and when to avoid it? You will receive detailed answers to these and many other questions in this course.

Alexander has been collecting materials on this topic for over a decade and now he is ready to share what he has found with you.

Suitable for: 6k–5d. Players of any level will find inspiring examples and new creative ideas in the lessons of this course.

We also recommend watching these two interviews with Alexander: FIRST and SECOND.

All the lessons of this course have English voiceover! The voiceover switch is under the video in each lesson.


Alexander Dinerstein 3p

Professional Go player from the Korean Baduk Association. 7-time European champion.

Trial Lessons
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Course Includes

19 Lessons
15 Quizzes
~ 4.5 hours


Avg. Rating
34 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 1 month ago

One of the 2 courses on go magic that I'll keep coming back to for the next 4-5 years. Just an excellent course that can push someone beyond the dan barrier. I'd love to see more courses by Mr. Alexander.

Posted 6 months ago

Just great, a few more reruns and I hopefully will understand most of it.

Posted 9 months ago

The course is fantastic, the content especially but also the presentation was enjoyable. I was a bit afraid that the English dubbing would decrease enjoyment, but it didn’t at all! I am a 4k and it covered so many of my weaknesses. It was challenging and I will need to take it several more times, before really understanding everything. But since I aspire to become a 1d, it is exactly what I need.

Posted 9 months ago

Some of the later lessons had pauses for the mid-video quizzes, and the video would come out of full-screen, but no quiz/question would come up. All-in-all, the course was incredible. I will be watching it several times. Thank you for the great information, and keep it up!

Posted 10 months ago

i found this challenging but the examples were very educational

Posted 12 months ago

This course was amazing, helped me in a lot of positions in real games, also i liked the english dub, i could concentrate better on the board

Posted 1 year ago

This is a great course, very useful for intermediate players especially! I enjoyed the structured and detailed explanations from Alexander. In the English version, I’d highly recommend adding stone-clicking sounds; it would be much more helpful for following the examples shown. Thank you!

Posted 1 year ago

It covers the entire gamut of things I wanted to know about attaching (and a load of stuff I didn't even realise I needed to learn). It will definitely require practice and study to master the techniques, but this course has given me a better understand of the nuances and importance of knowing how, when and why to attach.

Posted 1 year ago


Posted 2 years ago

Harika sondalama hareketleri öğrendim.

Posted 2 years ago

Thanks for this course that shown me the real power of attachments and how pro players use them

Posted 2 years ago

great course! 🙂 learn a lot ...but for me as a 5k its hard to done the quizzes first try 😀 But for now im not afraid anymore of playing attachments Thanks!

Posted 2 years ago

Totally worth the money, and you will learn a lot of new tricks and advanced fundamentals. Highly recommend it. However, I believe Dinerchtein missed some opportunities when it comes to AI. Often what he said is either contradictory or exaggerated when it comes to what the AI thinks. I believe showing AIs variations would greatly enhance everyone's vocabulary, and not undermine his rationel.

Posted 3 years ago

This course is a masterpiece. There is a colossal amount of useful ideas, tips, tesuji and interesting variations packed in these 5 hours, all well explained and backed by lots of examples and problems. It can and will bring improvements to almost every part of your game, from fuseki to endgame. The voiceover provided is very useful as subtitles are not easy to follow while looking at the board.

Posted 3 years ago

Awesome lectures on a tough topic! Thanks a lot!

Posted 3 years ago

One of the best lesson of baduk. So clear and it gives so many ideas. Just perfect !!!!

Posted 3 years ago

A beautiful and comprehensive course that really digs deep into the core of what makes modern go fast and active. The attachments listed here and demonstrated with precision will change the way you look at the Go board and you're game will skyrocket if you apply the lesson judiciously and liberally. It is worth every minute and every cent you spend. It truly is an artform, and so is this course.

Posted 3 years ago

This massive course is the shining crown jewel of Go Magic. You might not be ready for it yet if your strength is much lower, but I have rarely seen such a well rounded package to improve the play strength for my level (5k). This course easily was worth the money I spent on the site. I would give it 10 stars if I could.

Posted 4 years ago

Awesome! I really like this course. I usually watch videos with subtitles so it's easy for me to enjoy this course.

Posted 4 years ago

Great course, I need to review it a lot of time to really master it, but that's what I like. I'm agree with Harvegian, subtitles are hard to follow. I think Dub is really necessary. Thanks for this course, I can't wait for the others.

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