
Japanese: Hane 跳ねKorean: Jutchim 젖힘Chinese: Ban 扳

Importance: ★★★

A move that attempts to surround an opponent's stone diagonally

Hane is a key tactical move in Go, describing a stone’s extension around one or more of the opponent’s stones. Often used in response to contact plays, hane allows players to exert influence and gain tactical advantages in the surrounding area.

Key Aspects of Hane

  1. Hane serves to disrupt the opponent’s formation, increase influence, and create opportunities for attack or defense. By reaching around the opponent’s stone, a hane move challenges their control of a region.
  2. While powerful, hane can be risky. Poorly timed or overextended hane moves may invite counterattacks, leading to weak shapes or lost stones.
  3. Applications in Play:
    • Offensive hane is used to encroach on the opponent’s territory or split their groups.
  • Defensive hane strengthens positions while reducing vulnerabilities.

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