Importance: ★★☆
Extension; stretch
In Go, a nobi refers to the action of extending one’s stones by placing a new stone directly adjacent to an existing one along the same line, thereby forming a solid connection. This move is fundamental in Go strategy, as it increases the liberties of the group, strengthens its structure, and prepares for further development. The term nobi is often translated as “extension” or “stretch” in English.
Nobi creates a direct link between stones, enhancing the group’s cohesion and reducing the risk of being cut by the opponent. By extending, a nobi adds liberties to the group, making it more resilient against attacks and increasing its chances of survival. Additionally, a nobi allows a player to advance their position on the board methodically, maintaining a solid formation while exerting influence in the desired direction.
You can discover more about Nobi, or solid extension, by watching our free video:
You can find even more information about basic shapes of our Go Shapes course.