Importance: ★★☆
Pair Go
Rengo is a collaborative Go format where two teams, each comprising two players, compete in a single game. This format promotes teamwork and shared strategy, adding a unique social dimension to the traditional game of Go.
Each team consists of two players. In Pair Go, a popular variant of Rengo, teams are traditionally composed of one male and one female player. Players on the same team alternate turns. Maintaining the correct order is crucial, as playing out of turn can result in penalties.
During the game, partners are not allowed to discuss strategies or indicate preferences, ensuring that each move is made independently, relying on mutual understanding and implicit coordination.

Pair Go has gained international popularity, with major tournaments held worldwide. The International Amateur Pair Go Championship is a prominent event that attracts participants globally. Additionally, the European Go Congress and the U.S. Go Congress host annual Pair Go tournaments, reflecting the format’s widespread appeal.
In this video from our free YouTube channel, Vadim discusses various Go variants, including Rengo and pair Go: