The Fury of Jowa and the Blood-Vomiting Game

Language EN
Subtitles EnRu
A tale of the biggest underhand plot in Go history.

Have you heard of the blood-vomiting game? And why do they call it that? How did it come to be played and what was at stake there? How did Honinbo Jowa gain and lose the most epic title in Japanese Go?

Our tale will shed light on these and many other events. We will watch some brilliant games of that era, enjoy their elegance and review them with the modern AI.

Suitable for: 12k–9d. This is a historical course, so it may be interesting to all players regardless of their strength.


Vadim Efimenko 4d

Amateur Go player and nerdy Go research aficionado. Co-founder of Go Magic.
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Course Includes

10 Lessons
4 Quizzes
~ 2.5 hours


Avg. Rating
41 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 7 days ago

Great for learning and for motivation. Riviting story and beautiful games

Posted 3 weeks ago

Overall great course, learning the background on such a famous game of go was really enjoyable and I like how easy to follow the explanation of the games were.

Posted 2 months ago

Thank you for the unique type of course!

Posted 2 months ago

It was a great pleasure to watch such an interesting story, very inspiring! It’s cool that educational content is mixed with historical/entertainment content like this

Posted 3 months ago

Thank you for the course .

Posted 5 months ago

I really love the historical deep-dives. It is good to learn about strong and influential players from the past and to build up knowledge of the game of Go's extensive history.

Posted 6 months ago

I enjoyed every minutes in this course and I learned a lot.

Posted 8 months ago

The course presented some very interesting facts about the history of go for the ones who want to know about the history of the game. It also showed the style of Jowa and some of his general sugestions on how to play the game. There are some very nice exercises that I enjoyed (which are somewhat challenging but possible for kyu players). Well done!

Posted 10 months ago

Interesting, I am really enjoying some historical background of the game!

Posted 10 months ago

Having read Invincible & a handful of books w/Jowa, I knew the story; yet, Vadim's presentation and the subtle music made this 10x better than reading a book. Go Magic is a new type of platform for Go, and I love history being intertwined w/learning. Much better visual explanations here than the old Invincible book. Infact, one of the better game reviews I've experienced w/it's unrushed pace. Ty!

Posted 12 months ago

Thank you for this historical course.

Posted 1 year ago

Very motivating to see how the go can be such a magic 😉 !

Posted 1 year ago

Vadim is an excellent storyteller and i enjoyed the course. The Life and death quiz at the end was way to difficult for a mere ddk like me.

Posted 2 years ago

Simply an amazing course, learning about go history has never been more fun.

Posted 2 years ago

I loved this course, it's mixture of Go History, reviews of famous games, trivia and problems to solve is truly unique and Vadim delivers it with captivating enthusiasm.

Posted 2 years ago

Well this is the first course I take, it is so cool. Thoses quizzes are fun. And it so well explained. Thank you so much.

Posted 3 years ago

Wow! This course made me feel like falling in love with Go all over again. It shows the beauty and magnificence of the game, and Vadim is an excellent teacher. His enthusiasm and passion for the game in general, and topic specifically, shines through and it is highly contagious.

Posted 3 years ago

Splendid! I would like to see more fascinating historical courses like this!

Posted 3 years ago

A very interesting and atmospheric course. But the tasks are so difficult for me that I don't even understand the correct answers to them. I'm playing the power of 10 kyu.

Posted 3 years ago

Wonderfull story shows the beauty of game. I could not stop watching it up to the end and enjoyed it a lot. The explanations are quite clear even for me with my low level in go. It encourages me to go deeper in go learning. If it is possible, add more such stories about go genious players. Thank you!

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