Ko — Take Control Over the Chaos

Language EN
Subtitles EnRu
Turn ko from a random occurrence into a solid weapon

It often happens that playing ko is like spinning a roulette wheel — you never know what result to expect. Sometimes it miraculously saves you a lost game, other times it kills one of your groups. In this course we’ll learn all about preparing for ko, playing it at the right time and using the right ko threats. By the end you will have a good grasp of ko fundamentals that will turn ko into a useful and formidable tool in your Go inventory.

Suitable for: 10–1 kyu. For those who are very familiar with the basics of Go.


Stanisław Frejlak 1p

Professional Go Player from Poland.

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Course Includes

12 Lessons
13 Quizzes
~ 2.5 hours


Avg. Rating
13 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 5 days ago

a good course. I need to practice

Posted 3 weeks ago

Great course. I'm going to rewatch it later!

Posted 1 month ago

Thank you so much fot this great course. I understand a bit more how to provoke a ko and how to prepare it. I'm going to rewatch it some time soon because on the first try it was too long for me. I finished it step by step. One video at a session.

Posted 2 months ago


Posted 3 months ago

Very good overview of the most important ko principles. The biggest chunk of the course is aimed at DDK to mid-SDK (EGF) players, but the later chapters have some very interesting inspiration on preparing for ko threats and some of the more common variations were very nice to see in contest that will be appreciated by higher level players as well.

Posted 5 months ago

Ko's are (at least for me) quite a difficult part of the game. This course does a lot to lay out all the things one needs to think about: when to fight a ko, how to fight it, how to rate ko-threats, etc. On the whole, it is very comprehensive. Loses one star, only because of some errors in the quiz, and and some parts of the quiz that could be better explained.

Posted 5 months ago

It's very clear and helpful!

Posted 5 months ago

Highly recommend. As a 4d myself, although I'm already familiar with most of the ko concepts, I never got a chance to learn them in a systematic way. A lot of amazing examples in this course help modifying my approach to a ko greatly. I played a game right after and feel like a better ko fighter now. Thank you Stanislaw for the clear explanation. Hope to see more of your contents in the future.

Posted 5 months ago


Буду краток. Курс очень крутой, подача материала на высоте, большое спасибо за вашу работу!

Очень понравился курс! Чрезвычайно содержательный! Многому научился!

Posted 5 months ago

Очередной очень крутой курс! Стало понятно, почему иногда выигрывая ко, оказывался в минусе по очкам =)

Posted 5 months ago

Прошёл курс, почти на одном дыхании. Многогранное объяснение Ко проблем с приличном арсеналом задач, в общем понравилось. Надо несколько раз пересматривать конечно, чтобы всё понять. Рекомендую.

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