The Fundamentals of Go on 13×13 — Remake

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Mastering core strategies and techniques

Welcome to the updated “Fundamentals of Go on 13×13” course.

This course is the perfect starting point for beginners who have just learned the rules of Go and are looking to understand the basics of strategy and tactics on a 13×13 board. It’s an essential foundation that will also prepare you for playing on the more complex 19×19 board.

Once you’re comfortable with the material in this course, we recommend progressing to the more advanced Deeper into the game of Go on 19×19, which is the final course of our elementary trilogy designed to guide you from not knowing the rules to mastering the fundamentals and reaching a solid 12-10 kyu level.

Don’t forget to check out our beginner’s guide for more helpful tips and information.

The video lessons (without quizzes) are freely available on our YouTube channel.

You can also purchase the full course with quizzes using GM coins in the Store.

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Vadim Efimenko 4d

Amateur Go player and nerdy Go research aficionado. Co-founder of Go Magic.
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Trial Lessons
Premium members can get up to 100% discount on this course.

Course Includes

17 Lessons
21 Quizzes
~ 2.5 hours


Avg. Rating
116 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 3 hours ago

Enjoyed it & feel more proficient reading the game / understanding proper techniques vs no experience 2 weeks ago. Looking forward to playing on a 13sq board when I can. During lessons, some reinforced elements came off as quite arbitrary; caused by downside of the test style: explanations only follow correct moves vs just "incorrect" when they're wrong. Scrambling for the right spot ensues after.

Posted 8 hours ago

Great course! Covers all the factors that change when you change from 9x9 to 13x13.

Posted 4 days ago

The Intro course to 13x13 repeated many of the basic ideas from the initial 9x9 introductory course but in a way that consolidated and helped familiarise / demystify some of those initial gameplay concepts. This was an excellent and good value 2nd step to take whilst working on the skill tree and seeing some baby step improvements in understanding this fascinating game.

Posted 1 week ago

Excellent explanation of some basic skills and game mechanics

Posted 2 weeks ago


Posted 2 weeks ago

I had learn and understand quite a number of technique which I was no truly understand.

Posted 3 weeks ago

This is a great course for beginners who just want the basics.

Posted 4 weeks ago

This course has really jump started my intrigue for the game! Thanks for the great quizzes and videos.

Posted 4 weeks ago

I learned a lot from this. Quite a fun learning experience too. I actually had a good chuckle whenever I fell for the trick questions. Overall an enjoyable and informative course. 13 x 13 is still super intimidating at the moment, but I don't feel totally lost anymore when looking at the board and all its possibilities.

Posted 1 month ago

It is a great course, ideal for a second Go course. It delves into more complex topics compared to the introductory course. The videos are incredibly helpful, and the instructor is outstanding! The exercises are well-chosen and appropriately challenging. After completing this course, you'll better understand Go's complexity and play games with more strategy.

Posted 1 month ago

Incredibly useful course which is also fun and interesting!

Posted 1 month ago

A great jump into more difficult concepts

Posted 2 months ago

Very useful and very well made.

Posted 2 months ago

One of, if not the best, learning methodology I´ve ever tried. Wish I´d learnt everything I struggle with, in this "step by step" way. Thanks a lot for creating such challenging and kind content at the same time. Outstanding course and website for a curious slow-but-sure learner as me. Keep doing like this, please!

Posted 2 months ago

Thank you for the course

Posted 2 months ago

The course is really good overall. However, I feel like the 13*13 game with comments could be much more educating. It seemed to me there were a lot of dubious moves from the players (which is understandable since 2 amateurs are playing) and Vadim didn't actually explain why the moves played are bad and what's the better alternative. It would result in a longer timing but it's really important.

Posted 2 months ago


Posted 2 months ago

This is the best entry point into the advanced Go for me as a beginner player. Quality level is too high for kinda free content (you can take it for 150 coins in the store now, and this amount of coins could be achieved even through the first course). Thank you, Go Magic team

Posted 2 months ago

Very nice course and it can be bought with coins too. The quiz puzzles really help. Thank you, Vadim!

Posted 2 months ago

As a slow learn due have hard time retaining info for certain amount of time, I genuine grateful for the way the courses are. Easily but not simplistic, must try for anyone who would like to an enjoyable challenge for the mind.

We'd love to know what you think!
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