We have completed a huge task of searching and choosing the absolute best (worst?) mistakes that secretly plague most kyu players’ games. Tactical mistakes, strategic mistakes, psychological mistakes — this course will help you get rid of possibly the last remaining shackles that slow you down on your way to 1 dan.
This is a direct sequel to the course Typical Mistakes That Wouldn’t Let Us Get Better.
Suitable for: 10–1 kyu
A huge thanks to: Alexander Dinerstein for helping with examples for the course and Marina Ismail-Akhunova for designing the Nutcracker.
5 star just for the dance, hehe. And as the 2.0 it serves the purpose, I do look forward to similar lectures like the dance one in future too. And also thanks for streaming this on youtube, because people who couldn't afford to buy got the chance to learn <3