Typical Mistakes 2.0

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The last kyu-level barriers

We have completed a huge task of searching and choosing the absolute best (worst?) mistakes that secretly plague most kyu players’ games. Tactical mistakes, strategic mistakes, psychological mistakes — this course will help you get rid of possibly the last remaining shackles that slow you down on your way to 1 dan.

This is a direct sequel to the course Typical Mistakes That Wouldn’t Let Us Get Better.

Suitable for: 10–1 kyu

A huge thanks to: Alexander Dinerstein for helping with examples for the course and Marina Ismail-Akhunova for designing the Nutcracker.


Vadim Efimenko 4d

Amateur Go player and nerdy Go research aficionado. Co-founder of Go Magic.
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Course Includes

11 Lessons
11 Quizzes
~ 3 hours


Avg. Rating
58 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 1 week ago

Very useful and eye-opening. Takes you to deeper understanding of the game. Great end to the intermediate courses

Posted 2 months ago

Great insights! A little uncomfortable to identify with Nutcracker but a path away from nuttiness is made clear. How easy it is to prematurely slip into panic mode with a local squabble when one can coolly play with greater profit elsewhere. Thanks Vadim for the cool advice as well as your cool vibe--makes learning this stuff much easier.

Posted 2 months ago

Very good, useful, and understandable lectures. The quizzes were quite good, though even more questions would increase the benefits.

Posted 2 months ago

I really like the concrete examples and questions. An improvement suggestion is to have a set of problems, connected to the course, so that you could easily rehearse the course content, through problem solving. But my overall evaluation is: World class! Thanks!

Posted 3 months ago

Thank you for very useful techniques !!

Posted 3 months ago

Thank you for the course .Just finished it the first time. Definitely worth doing it again several times.

Posted 4 months ago

Just finished it the first time. Definitely worth doing it again several times. Applying all of this requires practice.

Posted 5 months ago

The toughest course so far... Act 1 was so straight forward and seemed a bit simple. But Act 2 was definitely a lot tougher and something I'll have to revisit a few times to really let the lessons sink in.

Posted 5 months ago

It's very clear and helpful!

Posted 6 months ago

Another immensely helpful course. Many thanks!

Posted 6 months ago

There was so much fantastic content in this course I will likely retake it again soon!

Posted 8 months ago

It is very helpful and fun!

Posted 9 months ago

Explained in very simple and easy to understand way.

Posted 9 months ago


Posted 10 months ago

Looking over the content list, I wasn't expecting much, but as always, GM has a way of reaching many skill lvls in their vids. Most of this course is about thinking before you play & opponent's reaction. The Aji lesson is a good breach into the Probing&Attachment courses. Lssn lengths are thicc so lots of thorough content. Also, the Nutcracker(odd mascot choice) is growing on me & got a few laughs

Posted 11 months ago

Definitely some useful things in this course, which I will try to internalise and then use in my games. On the whole, very good, with the typical high quality production that we've come to know and expect from the Go Magic team.

Posted 12 months ago

This course was helpful. I know that I make a ton of these mistakes in most of my games. The First Act was easier to follow than the Second Act. The chapter on Aji was by far the most difficult for me to understand. Guess I need more practice!

Posted 1 year ago

Everything was great except the lesson on shape. Instead of a lecture about good and bad shape, it was a music video of different shapes dancing around the board. I paid for this course thinking I would learn about shape, but I couldn't really learn anything from that video. Then after no explanation of good or bad shape, there was still a quiz at the end.

Posted 1 year ago

Entertaining and instructive. It would be great to have even more exercises.

Posted 1 year ago

Artık daha az hata yapacağım.

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