
Japanese: Joseki 定石Korean: Jeong-seok 정석Chinese: Dìngshí 定式

Importance: ★★★

Standard sequences or established patterns

Joseki in Go represents a set of standard move sequences designed to achieve a balanced outcome between two players in a localized area, usually in the corners of the board. 

Let's see what joseki is. Play A.
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Key Features of Joseki

  • Most joseki sequences begin in the corners, where the initial moves significantly impact the game’s development. Corners are tactically important due to their limited liberties, making them ideal for applying joseki principles.
  • While commonly associated with corner play, joseki can also apply to the sides and even to sequences during the opening, middle game, and endgame stages.
  • The essence of joseki is balance. But it’s important to understand that this balance does not guarantee the best move or an advantage across the entire board. Players should choose joseki based on the entire board position.
  • Joseki is not rigid; it evolves with new discoveries and changes in strategic trends. A sequence considered joseki in the past may fall out of favor as modern play develops new approaches.

There are countless joseki patterns in Go, ranging from simple sequences to highly complex variations. While studying these patterns can be helpful, it is more important to focus on understanding their purpose and context. A deep understanding of joseki helps players adapt flexibly, rather than rigidly memorizing sequences.

Another simple joseki. Please start with A.
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An example of simple joseki

An example of a difficult joseki. Start with A.
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A daunting joseki that spans dozens of moves

By the way, we have an entire course dedicated to joseki

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