What Are We Working on Now?
Content Creation
- Attack and Defense course (Chris Sagner)
- Adji course (Alexander Dinerstein)
- Global Skill Test (Nguyen Nam Hoang)
- New Go problems for the Skill Tree (Nguyen Nam Hoang)
- Modern joseki database (Alexander Dinerstein)
Platform Development
- Illustrated database of Go Terms and proverbs
- Website optimization and bug fixing (endless task)
πβ Latest Updates
Our Plans of Future Platform Development
Short-term Plans
- Integration with the OGS account
- Animation when gaining experience and coins
- Global skill test (detect your level and weaknesses)
Medium-term Plans
- Client for OGS (the ability to play from our website)
- Problem collections
- A multi-level joseki database
- New skins for the board
Long-term Plans
- Personalized Go problem feed
- Playing with bots
- Go game database with pattern search
- Database of biographies of the great masters of Go
- Additional game modes: capture-go, one-color Go, survival game, training mode with hints, poker-go (dango)
- Courses for children