Fearless Invasions

Language EN
Subtitles EnRu
Learning to handle simple invasions.

How many games were lost because of invasions! All of that is because invasions mostly happen in the middle-game and that part of the game can be scary and confusing. In this course you will learn not only to invade confidently exactly when it’s necessary, but also to handle your opponent’s invasions with ease.

You will discover some of the most standard invasion sequences, basic principles that you can trust and follow and some colorful invasion examples from pro players and AI.

Suitable for: 12–4k. For those who are well familiar with the basics of Go.


Vadim Efimenko 4d

Amateur Go player and nerdy Go research aficionado. Co-founder of Go Magic.
Not enough magic? Vadim offers Go lessons

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Course Includes

15 Lessons
16 Quizzes
~ 3 hours


Avg. Rating
43 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 1 week ago

excellent a very good test. i need to repeat it!

Posted 1 month ago

Still early for my rank, but I like the way this course is make. Every variation is taught. Exercises are good. I never saw something so full

Posted 2 months ago

Very good one. Broad enough. well design and practical and of course Magical. I enjoy it!

Posted 3 months ago

Amazing techniques of invasion !!!

Posted 3 months ago

Very good but as has been said in the course: Requires practice, practice, practice. I really like the tiny jokes along the way in the courses. It really shows that you guys love doing this!

Posted 3 months ago

This course is very good and very useful. It was exactly what I needed to get me to begin invading in my games with more confidence. Thank you.

Posted 5 months ago

It's very clear and useful!

Posted 6 months ago


Posted 6 months ago

Another beautifully helpful course. Thanks guys!

Posted 6 months ago

Thank you for that course! Now I know how to beat fox players)

Posted 8 months ago

Amazing course! I am definitely going to come back to this course again and again when I start doubting the correctness of my invasions

Posted 8 months ago

Great course. I really liked that its beginning was about the question of "should I even invade". Great contest as always! Would very much appreciate a continuation course where you could go over common patterns even more.

Posted 8 months ago

Very nice Course! enough brave now to invade 😀

Posted 8 months ago

Very nice course, it made me much more brave to try invasions. Only the quizzes are not enough to remember the patterns. I keep re-watching the important parts, and trying to force myself to play them in games. I think I did lose some games due to trying invasions in unreasonable situations, but I am definitely learning with the experience!

Posted 8 months ago

A lot of information, presented in a concise and interesting way. I can definitely recommend!

Posted 9 months ago


Posted 10 months ago

Interesting, but a lot, I will need to watch it again. Somehow trying to apply things, made me worse at first 😀

Posted 10 months ago

Good course for filling in a few gaps in my invasion knowledge, meaning I had down the first few moves for many examples but oft would go astray after several moves. Been playing Go on & off for 3yrs so some of these variations/offences/moves you naturally pick up if your game is AI-eccentric. Real clean course. Pairs well with Alexander's Probing Moves course. Thank you!

Posted 11 months ago

Very interesting course. Definitely will watch again in future.

Posted 11 months ago

Thank you for the course! It is very helpful and motivating. I go to make invasion.

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