We Support Ukraine

Update May 10, 2022

We’ve gathered $520. Thanks to everyone who took part in this fundraiser! 

However we feel that this amount is not quite sufficient, so we’ll keep on saving part of our profit until we make at least $1000 altogether. Then we’ll transfer it to a humanitarian fund.

A terrible catastrophe is unfolding in front of our eyes in Ukraine and we can’t stay out of it and keep silent:

1. Half of all Go Magic proceeds from April 9 until May 9, 2022 will be committed to humanitarian relief for Ukraine.

2. We have been providing full and unlimited access to our platform for all Ukrainians since the war began. If you are from Ukraine, please send a message to Anton Proskurin on facebook.

If you want to directly help Ukraine and Ukrainian Go players, then you will find the necessary information here: https://ufgo.org/2022/03/28/support_ukraine

Play Go, not War 💙💛

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