Kajiwara Takeo: The Giant Who Made Titans

Language EN
Subtitles EnRu
The story of the forgotten master of Living Go

If you are asked to name a legendary Go player from modern Japan, perhaps the names Takemiya Masaki, Cho Chikun, or Kato Masao come to mind. Their styles are beautiful and unique and their stories well known. If I asked you to name some older legends, you would probably come up with names like Fujisawa Shuko, Sakata Eio, Go Seigen, or Kitani Minoru; again, players of renown with well-known styles and stories. Well, what if I told you there was a name worthy of as much or more accolade as the masters you know? What if I told you there was a player so original, with a style so insane, that to see his games, is to stare into the truth of Go itself?

Introducing, Kajiwara Takeo. He was a unique and extraordinary personality on and off the Go board. His Go was alive, it breathed life into every stone and shell, his every move the spark of human ingenuity. Together let’s right the wrongs of history, and put Kajiwara’s name back on the map, and at the end of this course, we will show you that Living Go is still alive, and how it can improve your understanding of Go, even in an era ruled by artificial intelligence.

Suitable for: 10k–9d. This is a historical course, so it may be interesting to all players regardless of their strength.


Matthew McKee 4d

Amateur Go Player from Japan.

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Course Includes

22 Lessons
8 Quizzes
~ 6 hours


Avg. Rating
16 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 1 week ago

Very inspiring course! One of the features of the course is that the author has left his little inaccuracies in the videos, which adds liveliness to the course. This is fully in line with the "living Go" style 🙂

Posted 4 months ago

An incredible course, very contextualizing and inspiring. Matthew is a wonderful storyteller, it is clear that he loves what he talks about with all his heart. I would like to have such teachers at the university. Thanks!

Posted 5 months ago

This course was fantastic. It was a very different format from what I was expecting, but it was like have a fun conversation with a Go fanatic who is well versed on the life and games of one of the great players. Really enjoyed the inspiration.

Posted 5 months ago

Very inspirational course dedicated to a Go player that might not have gotten as much tribute as he deserved. The course honors the achievement and late Kajiwara in a way that no other video has done so far. Thank you for taking your time to tell us the story about the Giant who made Titans.

Posted 6 months ago

Best course ever. I hope you keep them coming.

Posted 7 months ago

Love Matthew's style!

Posted 8 months ago

It's indeed a very inspiring course!

Posted 8 months ago

Great course. I watched it in one breath.

Posted 9 months ago

What an amazing course, bravo Matthew, great job. I've never heard of Kajiwara Takeo, and so I had an amazing time learning about this new Go player. I love these historical courses, I hope you keep on doing them, they're really enjoyable; especially for a person who loves history and Go at the same time like me, I really appreciated this course. Thank you guys.

Posted 10 months ago

I am loving this series! It may seem like history lessons, but the games that are showed, the commentary and questions at right times deepen the feeling I have for the game and adds some understanding that I can't fully place right now. Thank you and please do finish!

Спасибо за курс!

Posted 5 months ago

Спасибо за курс.

Posted 5 months ago

Курс по Кадзиваре Такео действительно мне понравился. Да так, что я начал изучать его книгу Направление игры. Рекомендую

Posted 6 months ago

Спасибо за курс.

Posted 6 months ago

Спасибо за курс

Posted 7 months ago

Отличный курс про игрока о котором все должны знать, как знают о Чо Чикуне и Такемии Масаки (они кстати были его учениками). Мастер направления игры и стиля "Без стиля". Курс рассказывает об историческом развитие Го в Японии и влияние Кадзивары. Так же рассказываются важные принципы игры на которых делал акцент Кадзивара: гибкость игры и не стремиться победить - стремиться находить истину в игре.

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