Typical Mistakes That Wouldn’t Let Us Get Better

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Correcting some of the most common beginners’ mistakes


If you are feeling stuck somewhere in the double digit kyus, it might be because you keep making the same mistakes without realizing it. Let’s try to correct some of those mistakes.

There is a sequel to this course: Typical Mistakes 2.0

Suitable for: 17–10 kyu players who know the basics of Go well.

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Vadim Efimenko 4d

Amateur Go player and nerdy Go research aficionado. Co-founder of Go Magic.
Not enough magic? Vadim offers Go lessons


Course Includes

7 Lessons
8 Quizzes
~ 65 min


Avg. Rating
229 Reviews
We'd love to know what you think!
Posted 8 hours ago

Useful course for common learning errors. Focus on issues with both gameplay and learning strategies.

Posted 1 week ago

Very useful advice. I'm close to 1dan and I still made a few mistakes in the quizzes. No matter what, fundamentals are always important for all players.

Posted 2 weeks ago

Very instructive. Do you consider adding the kill-all go game to the tools menu ?

Posted 2 weeks ago

Putting the theory into practice in the quizes proved sometimes challenging for me. Some of them required to read at least 4 moves ahead and for a complete novice that doesn't know how to prune the reading tree, this is hard. So, I need to improve my reading skills before I can really decide if it's endgame or urgent.

Posted 2 weeks ago

Great course. Very helpful for a beginner like me

Posted 4 weeks ago

Very nice course and it's free, wow

Posted 1 month ago

It’s great, and free.

Posted 1 month ago

As a beginner, this helped quite a lot covering some common questions I make myself. Learning how to prevent invasions where you should be strong keeps frustration away

Posted 2 months ago

Good course which helps getting the basics

Posted 2 months ago

I'm roughly an 8k, and this is still so beneficial just to point out the gaps that still exist in my learning.

Posted 2 months ago

When i was getting into Go, this was awesome for a lot the small things i forgot. Again easily understood and very helpful with my confidence platting go.

Posted 2 months ago

Hello Go Magic Team, what a beautiful way you teach Go.

Posted 3 months ago

Thank you for very useful techniques !!

Posted 3 months ago

Highly recommend! I found that the focus of the lecture isn't 100% congruent with the practice. For example, the premature endgame lecture focuses on not missing chances to make big points by over-securing small points in the opening, but the practice focused on gauging if a corner is in danger, before securing additional territory. Both are important topics, but some connective tissue is missing.

Posted 3 months ago

very good course

Posted 3 months ago

Another great help in guiding how to think about playing!

Posted 3 months ago

Very usefull and well explained tipps for beginners

Posted 3 months ago

Very good explanations! And the structure of mixing theory and practice is perfect! Thanks!

Posted 3 months ago

This course has really helped me understand how to approach invasions and when to prioritize corners. Vadim does a great job explaining the concepts in an engaging way. Great experience overall!

Posted 3 months ago

Thank you for the courses. I love it . You teach very well.

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