List of Popular Go Terms

Term Japanese Term Korean Term Chinese Term MeaningImportance
WarikomiWarikomi 割込み- -Wā 挖


TsukeTsuke 付け (ツケ)- -Kào / Pèng 靠 / 碰

Attachment (tsuke) is a fundamental move in Go where a player places a stone directly adjacent to an opponent’s stone, creating direct contact. This move…

TobiTobi 跳び- -Tiào 跳


SujiSuji 筋Haengma 행마- -

Proper move

SemedoriSemedori 攻め取り- -Shōu qì chī 收气吃

Forced capture

ShichoShicho シチョウChuk 축Zhēng zǐ 征子


Nihon Ki-inNihon Ki-in 日本棋院- -Rìběn Qíyuàn 日本棋院

Japanese Go Association

MokuMoku 目 (territory point), 子 (handicap stone)- -Mù 目

Point (for scoring)
Stone (for handicap placement)

MeijinMeijin 名人Myeong-in 명인Míngrén 名人

KiriKiri 切り (キリ)- -Duàn / Qiē duàn 断 / 切断


KikashiKikashi 利かし / 効かしGang-yo 강요Xiān shǒu lì 先手利

Forcing move

KakariKakari 掛かりGeolchim 걸침Guà jiǎo 挂角 (掛角)

Corner approach

JigoJigo 持碁Bik / Hwaguk 빅 / 화국Hé qí / Chí qí 和棋, 持棋

Draw / Tie

Ishi no ShitaIshi no Shita 石の下Hujeolsu 후절수Dǎo tuō xuē / Tuō gǔ 倒脱靴 / 脱骨

Play under the stones

Ikken TobiIkken Tobi 一間トビHan-kan 한칸Dān guān 单关 (單關), 跳

One-space jump

HirakiHiraki ヒラキ- -Chāi / Kāi chāi 开拆 (開拆)


HasamiHasami ハサミHyeop-gong 협공 (挾攻)Jiā 夹


HameteHamete ハメ手Hamjeong-su / Sokim-su 함정수 / 속임수Piàn zhāo 骗着

Trick play

GetaGeta 下駄 (ゲタ)Jangmun 장문Jiā chī 枷吃


DamezumariDamezumari ダメ詰まり (詰まり)Jachung 자충Qì jǐn 气紧

Liberty shortage

DameDame 駄目Kongbae 공배Dān guān, Qì 单官, 气


ChubanChuban 中盤Jungban 중반Zhōng pán 中盤

Middle game

BoshiBoshi 帽子 (ボウシ)Moja Ssiuum / Mochak 모자씌움 / 모착Zhèn tóu 镇头

Capping move

Aji KeshiAji Keshi 味消しMat Ssogi 맛쓰기- -

Removing potential

YoseYose ヨセDwitmat 뒷맛Shōu guān 收官, 官子


TsumegoTsumego 詰碁Sahwal 사활Jiéqí 诘棋

Life and death problem

TengenTengen 天元Cheonwon 천원Tiān yuán

Center point

ShimariShimari 締まりGuhim 굳힘Shǒu jiǎo 守角

Corner enclosure

SemeaiSemeai 攻め合いSusangjeon 수상전Duì shā 对杀

Capturing race

SansanSansan 三々Samsam 삼삼Sān sān 三三

3-3 point

SagariSagari サガリNacheol 낙철Lì 立

Descending move

RengoRengo 連碁Yeon-baduk 연바둑Lián qí 联棋

Pair Go

NozokiNozoki ノゾキDeuryeodabogi 들여다보기Qù 觑

Peep; peeping move.

OgeimaŌgeima 大ゲイマDaegisa 대기사Dà fēi 大飞

Large knight’s move

NobiNobi 伸びPpeodeum 뻗음Cháng 长

Extension; stretch

NakadeNakade 中手Jungsu 중수Diǎn yǎn 点眼

Playing inside

KosumiKosumi コスミIpguja 입구자Xiǎo jiān 小尖

Diagonal move

KomokuKomoku 小目Somok 소목Xiǎo mù 小目

3-4 point

KifuKifu 棋譜Gibo 기보Qí pǔ 棋谱

Game record

Keima (kogeima)Keima ケイマNalilja 날일자Xiǎo fēi 小飞

Knight’s move

InseiInsei 院生Goin 고인Yuàn shēng 院生


HoshiHoshi 星Hwajeom 화점Xīng wèi 星位

Star point

HonteHonte 本手Jeongsu 정수Běn shǒu 本手

Proper move

HoninboHoninbo 本因坊Boninbang 본인방Běn yīn fāng 本因坊


GobanGoban 碁盤Badukpan 바둑판Qí pán 棋盘

Go board

FusekiFuseki 布石Poseok 포석Bù jú 布局


FurikawariFurikawari 振り替わりHyogwan 효관Zhuǎn huàn 转换


TesujiTesuji 手筋Maek 맥Shǒujīn 手筋

Skillful move or best play

TenukiTenuki 手抜きSonppaem 손뺌Tuō xiān 脱先

Playing elsewhere or ignoring

SenteSente 先手Seonsu 선수Xiānshǒu 先手


SekiSeki セキBik 빅Gòng huó 共活

Stalemate or mutual life

SabakiSabaki 捌きTagae 타개Téng nuó 腾挪

Flexible group

PonnukiPonnuki ポン抜きPang-tarim 빵때림Kāi huā 开花

Diamond shape that is created after four stones capture one

NigiriNigiri 握りTol kariki 돌 가리기Cāi xiān 猜先

Procedure to decide which player has black

MoyoMoyo 模様Moyang 모양Múyàng 模样

Framework or potential territory

MiaiMiai 見合いMatboki 맞보기Jiàn hé 见合

Equivalence or interchangeable moves

KyuKyu 級Geup 급Jí 级

Grade or Student level

KomiKomi コミDum 덤Tiē mù 贴目

Compensation score or handicap points

KoKo 劫Pae 패Jié 劫

Eternity or cycle rule

JosekiJoseki 定石Jeong-seok 정석Dìngshí 定式

Standard sequences or established patterns

HaneHane 跳ねJutchim 젖힘Ban 扳

A move that attempts to surround an opponent’s stone diagonally

GoteGote 後手Husu 후수Hòushǒu 后手

Loss of initiative; playing reactively.

DanDan 段Dan 단Duàn 段

Grade or master level

AjiAji 味Twitmat 뒷맛Yúwèi 餘味

Latent opportunities or weaknesses

ByoyomiByoyomi 秒読みChoikgi 초읽기Dú miǎo 读秒

Overtime or countdown phase

AtariAtari 当たりDansu 단수Dǎ chī 打吃

Immediate threat


List of Japanese Go Terms Sorted by Popularity

AjiLiterally means "taste", hidden possibilities left in a position⭐⭐⭐
AtariThreat to capture⭐⭐⭐
ByoyomiCountdown, extra time⭐⭐⭐
DanExpert rank⭐⭐⭐
GoteLosing the initiative⭐⭐⭐
HaneA move that attempts to surround an opponent's stone diagonally⭐⭐⭐
JosekiStandard variation in the corner⭐⭐⭐
KoThe rule that prohibits repetition of moves in Go⭐⭐⭐
KomiCompensation given to white for playing second⭐⭐⭐
KyuClass, ranks below expert dan level⭐⭐⭐
MiaiExistence of 2 moves, so that if one player plays one, the other player can take the other⭐⭐⭐
MoyoFramework, a large area that can potentially become territory⭐⭐⭐
NigiriProcedure to decide which player has black⭐⭐⭐
PonnukiDiamond shape that is created after four stones capture one⭐⭐⭐
SabakiLight, flexible play⭐⭐⭐
SekiMutual life, life without two eyes⭐⭐⭐
SenteInitiative, maintaining initiative⭐⭐⭐
TenukiPlay elsewhere, not responding locally⭐⭐⭐
TesujiA skillful move or technique⭐⭐⭐
GobanGo board⭐⭐
HoninboOne of the Four Houses in the Edo period. One of the main titles in Go⭐⭐
HonteProper move⭐⭐
Hoshi4-4 point, star point⭐⭐
InseiSomeone studying to become a professional player⭐⭐
Keima (kogeima)Knight's move⭐⭐
KifuGame record⭐⭐
Komoku3-4 point⭐⭐
KosumiDiagonal move⭐⭐
NakadeA move inside an opponent's large eye that prevents the opponent from making two eyes⭐⭐
NobiStretch, a solid extension⭐⭐
NozokiPeep, threat to push through⭐⭐
OogeimaLarge knight's move⭐⭐
RengoPair Go⭐⭐
SagariDescent towards the edge of the board⭐⭐
San san3-3 point⭐⭐
SemeaiCapturing race, mutual attack⭐⭐
ShimariCorner enclosure⭐⭐
TengenThe center point of the Go board. Also one of the main Japanese Go titles⭐⭐
TsumegoGo problems⭐⭐
Aji KeshiA move that destroys aji, thus reducing possibilities
BoshiCap, capping move
ChubanMiddle game
DameLiberties, adjacent empty intersections of a stone or stones
DamezumariShortage of liberties
HameteTrick play, a trap in joseki
HasamiPincer, attacking a corner approach from the outside
Ikken tobiOne-space jump, one-point jump
Ishi no shitaUnder the stones technique
JigoA drawn game
KakariCorner approach
KikashiForcing move
MeijinThe master of Go, name of an important title
Nihon Ki-inJapanese Go Association
SemedoriForced capture, a situation where a player will have to capture a group of stones when the opponent fills outside liberties
SujiLine of play
TobiJump (usually one-space jump)
TsukeAttachment, a move that is played next to a stone of the opponent
WarikomiWedge, playing a stone between two of the opponent's stones
AkisankakuEmpty triangle, usually a bad shape in the form of a triangle
AmarigatachiBad shape after a failed attack
AteA move that puts opponent's stone(s) in atari
Butsukari or TsukiatariBump into an opponent's stone
ChoseiEternal life
DaidaigeimaVery large knight's move
DegiriPush and cut
Go-kaishoGo club
GodokoroGo Minister
GoishiGo stones
GokakuEven result
GokeGo bowls for storing stones
GuzumiBad-looking shape that is good in context
Gyaku komiReverse komi
Gyaku senteReverse sente
Hanami koFlower viewing ko, picnic ko, a ko that is easy for one side but risky for the other
HanmokuHalf a point
Hasami tsukeClamp, attachment on the opposite side of an enemy stone
HayagoQuickplay Go
Hazama (tobi)Diagonal jump, elephant's jump
HikiPulling back
HorikomiThrow-in, a sacrifice technique
IchigomasuCarpenter's square, a complex life and death shape in the corner
IgoGo, the original Japanese name of the game
JosenHandicap where one of the players takes black in every game, essentially one stone handicap
JubangoTen-game match
Judan"Ten dan", one of the main Japanese titles in Go
KadobanA game that could lose the series for one of the opponents OR a game which if lost will require taking a bigger handicap
KaketsugiHanging connection, tiger's mouth shape
Kansai Ki-in
KatatsukiShoulder hit, playing diagonally over an opponent's stone
Keima KakariA knight's approach move to a corner stone
Keima ShimariProtecting a corner with a knight's move
KeshiReduction, erasure
KiGo, chess
KiaiFighting spirit
KidoThe way of Go
kiseiGo sage, name of a Go title
KorigatachiOverconcentrated shape
KoudateKo threat
Kuro (Kuroi)Black
MagariBend, turn
Me ari me nashiEye vs no eye capturing race
Mokuhazushi5-3 point
MyoushuBrilliant, extraordinary move
NadareAvalanche, the name of a famous complex joseki
Nidan-baneDouble hane
NiganTwo eyes
Niken TobiTwo-space jump
NirenseiTwo star points opening
OiotoshiConnect and die, a situation when connecting doesn't save the stones
OkiPlacement tesuji, playing inside the opponent's group
OobaBig point
Oogeima-gakariCorner approach with a large knight's move
Oogeima-shimari, oogeima-jimariCorner enclosure with a large knight's move
OomoyoBig moyo, big framework
OozaruMonkey jump, a large knight's move from the second line to the first
OshitsubushiSquashing push, atari after which connecting is forbidden because of the suicide rule
OuzaOne of the major Japanese Go titles
Ryou-atariDouble atari
Ryou-gakariDouble kakari, double corner approach
RyousenteDouble sente
SanrenseiThree star points opening
Sen-ai-senHandicap of taking black in two games out of three
ShiboriSqueeze tesuji
ShikatsuLife and death
Shin FusekiNew Fuseki, exploration of new opening strategies in the mid-1930s in Japan
ShinogiTechnique of making life within your opponent's sphere of influence
Shiro (Shiroi)White
Shodan1 dan rank
ShudanHand talk, a metaphorical name of Go
SuberiSlide, a play on the second line coming from the third line
SusoakiOpen skirt, an opening at one side of one's territory
Sute-ishiStone sacrifice
TagaisenPlaying even, alternating black and white
TaishaLarge slant, a notoriously difficult joseki that supposedly has 1000 variations
Takamoku5-4 point
TedomariThe last play at one of the game stages
TewariA way of analysis of stone efficiency by means of changing the order of moves
WariuchiA splitting invasion that leaves the possibility to extend to both sides
WatariConnection near the edge
Yosu-miProbe, a move that helps one discover opponent's plans
ZokusujiCrude, vulgar move
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