Interactive Courses
Middle Game Mania: Attack and Defense!
Game Reviews for Beginners
Let's review a few more games for extra practice
Moving to the Middle Game
Ko — Take Control Over the Chaos
Kajiwara Takeo: The Giant Who Made Titans
Score Estimation: Quick and Meaningful
Defensive Tesujis In a Nutshell
Basics of the 5-3 Point
Joseki ABCs or WTH is Happening in the Corner
Your first joseki guide
Huang Longshi: Legend of Blood and Tears
The Fury of Jowa and the Blood-Vomiting Game
A tale of the biggest underhand plot in Go history.
The Art of Attachments
Everything about attachments in modern Go
Probing Moves: from Standard to Impossible
How NOT to Lose 30 Points in the Endgame
The most important things you need to know about the endgame.
The Main Principles of a Glorious Opening
Let's make the first few steps in the opening and learn about some of its intricacies.
The Magic of Go — Complete Edition
Typical Mistakes That Wouldn’t Let Us Get Better
Correcting some of the most common beginners’ mistakes
Common 3-3 Invasions in Actual Games
Deeper into the Game of Go on 19×19
It's time to move on to 19×19 where the real Go begins.
The Fundamentals of Go on 13×13 — Remake
Mastering core strategies and techniques